Quinoa. You have heard of it and seen it on menus and recipes but you are still not really sure what it is, how to pronounce it, what it tastes like or how to use it in the kitchen?
At the end of the day you need to know that, Quinoa is a Gluten Free mineral rich seed that is high in protein and is easy to cook.
Taking it way back thousands of years ago, the Inca´s called this food ¨the mother of all grains¨ and it has been a staple diet of people in the region for decades. Now, in modern day times, Quinoa has been labeled a ¨super food¨ and has gained a worldwide reputation for replacing white rice and pasta as a healthy substitute.
What Does it Taste Like?
It has a fluffy texture that’s creamy and slightly chewy. The texture soaks up the flavors of both sweet and savory dishes, which makes it a versatile ingredient for any type of recipe. It absorbs the flavor of whatever dressing or sauce you choose to serve with it. It has a subtle nutty flavor with an earthy aftertaste similar to brown rice.
Different Types of Quinoa
The most common colors are white red and black. Each type offers its own individual character traits and cooks differently making your meals diverse.
- Red-earthy flavor, hearty taste and chewier texture
- Black-crunchy and sweeter taste
- White- offers meals a slightly nutty yet neutral flavor, fluffy in post cook texture
Possible Health Benefits
This wholesome grain contains nine essential amino acids making it an optimal choice for Gluten Free, vegan and vegetarian diets. Every serving contains 6g of protein, 2g of fiber, 2mg of iron and 300mg of potassium (depending on the variety). This plant- based protein is packed with numerous nutritional benefits.
The sky’s the limit when it comes to this incredibly versatile whole grain seed so get creative and make it one of your culinary staples.